Wednesday, March 12, 2008

wiki- wiki- wik

Let me start be saying that if I have just watched the common craft show about the wikis, I would probably not ever use them. I Google Docs rocks just as hard for collaboration, and I have used it for that purpose many times. Luckily, though, I am an open minded person that has ventured out into the world to peruse wikis of all sorts of sizes and shapes. While I am a HUGE fan of Wikipedia, it scares me how much people trust it as the absolute truth. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can claim to have expertise and edit information on it. I realize that there is a very active wikipedia community that keeps an eye out for bogus posts, but they can't catch everyone...

Then I come across wikihow. Maybe should call it wikiwow! It's like a collaborative instructables with a more eye friendly format. Maybe I'll add some of my knowledge to it....

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